Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Almond flour biscuits

Hello bfc peeps, I am a little under the weather so I plan on keeping this short and sweet. Yesterday I made some delicious almond flour biscuits from Lauren's blog healthy indulgences . They were so easy and delicious, and they went perfect with a roasted veggie soup I picked up for dinner. Hubby was very impressed and appreciative. Yesterday I also made coconut bread with coconut oil instead of butter very yummy. Last week I made Dawn's peanut butter cookies and I put a touch of sea salt on top of each cookie...delicious salty and sweet. The change in weather makes me want to bake more and make yummy soups. I guess that's all for now :)

Almond flour biscuits

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Made out like a bandit shopping

Hello friends, Saturday here is hot and amazing I absolutely love the early part of fall. Hubby and I went shopping and we made out like bandits. We both got new clothes and I got Fast Track at Costco for $11.59. American Eagle was the place to be today I got a sweater, a hoodie and sweatpants, undershirts and a top. Hubby got a pair of jeans, two button up shirts and a long sleeve t-shirt. Kay I thought of Kaycee when I learned that American Eagle now offers a 10% discount with military I.D. :) It felt strange to spend so much money on ourselves, but we both needed some new things for fall/winter.

I am enjoying my new Fast Track book, I really like that Jorge takes more time to explain things in this book. One of the features I like is the highlighted boxes where he gives the definition of key words, very similar to vocab words in school (very helpful). In my opinion Chapter 3 Ensuring your success: is the best chapter in the book. In this chapter Jorge discusses fiber and probiotics. His description of dysbacteriosis, a condition in which our bowels lose our healthy bacteria was something that I had not heard before. Even if you don't chose to do FT I recommend reading this chapter what he has to say about fiber, gut flora and probiotics is amazing and life changing. I truly mean life changing, I come from a family of GI issues my Dad's Mom had colon cancer and my Dad has his own GI issues and my Mom has diverticulitis. I am hoping that my folks will find this chapter informative and helpful, I love my parents and I want them to live long healthy lives.

Well, I guess that is all for now. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend...whatever you do make good choices :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Just wanted to touch base

Hello friends, what a week TGIF. Hubby and I are adjusting to his new school schedule. We don't watch tv in the evenings anymore on school nights so hubby can study, I am amazed at how much free time I have with out it. I need to find something productive to do with myself. :)

The more I read the Fast Track the more I like it. I plan on doing the two week challenge and I hope hubby will join me. It's kinda strange to think about changing things up I really like what we are doing now, but I have a feeling that my system could use a shake up.

Well, I guess that's all for now I just wanted to touch base with y'all. Hubby and I are having a nice Friday, after work we drank some wine and watched the sunset, for dinner we had wraps and nuts and now we are catching up on a little Rescue Me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A beautiful sunny Wednesday

Hello friends, I hope every one's Wednesday was as beautiful as mine was. Linda, I am so sorry about Wille my heart breaks for you. My parents last dog Abby an eleven year old golden retriever had to be put down while hubby and I were in CA, it's never easy to lose an animal family member.

The wedding was beautiful and I am grateful that hubby and I chose to go instead of my reunion. It baffles me that people wear ball caps and jeans to weddings these days, when did we become such a casual society that we dress up for nothing? I did pretty good food wise for the weekend and I only had several bites of cake, although I had more than two glasses of wine...bad me. We had a great time, hubby even danced with me even though he didn't want to because he was our driver and did not have any beer or wine. We stayed at a beautiful B&B although we didn't get to spend very much time there, it would have been nice to stay an extra day.

I got the Fast Track last night on our kindle and started reading it today. It was my first time using the kindle and it felt kinda weird, I kinda wish I had a regular book. I looked for one when I went out to do some grocery shopping but Walmart only had a Fast Track, Tracker combo pack and I already have a Tracker (even though I never use it) I guess I need to give the kindle more of a chance. I am thinking of trying the FT after I read more about it. In a way it feels kinda strange because it is different from the bfc.

Well, I should go start dinner I've had the day off and it would be nice to eat when hubby gets home. Today was his first day of school, life is changing in the McCoy household. :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hello everyone, I have to say I really enjoyed Kay's "confession time" and Dawn's "why is that" posts. I love our little blog community, I love hearing how you all are doing in your personal lives your success's and stumbling blocks. Sticking to our low sugar/better carb diet/lifestyle is hard especially when there are so many yummy things to eat.

I believe that diet soda is terrible and even if it helps with weight loss and maintenance everyone should stay away from it. My biggest reason for saying that is that diet soda consumption is linked to depression, which is such a serious thing and should not be taken lightly. Plus all the stuff Jorge says about why we should avoid fake sugar. From a vanity point diet soda can cause hair to thin.

I agree with Kay I hate how the posts are getting farther and farther apart. I wonder if it is because a lot of bloggers feel that if they don't have positive sunshine and roses like things to say about the bfc and how they are doing no one will care. I admit I have felt this way sometimes, as if I need to toe some kinda line to be able to share.

On the meatless front I think it's good to have several healthy bfc meatless meals on hand. I wish Jorge talked more about how to do a vegetarian version of the bfc in the book. He addressed being veg in the Q & A section of the book, but most of the recipes and meal plans rely on meat.

I guess that is all for now, today is our friends wedding and I need to start getting my stuff together to go out of town. Have a wonderful day friends :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hump Day

Hello friends, happy hump day! Life is good and I am feeling pretty positive today. I have been taking evening primrose oil and probiotics for around two weeks and my mood and tummy are much better. I weighed myself today at my folks 135.4 the same as last week, but my jeans fit better now than they did a week ago...go figure.

I am doing much better on the bfc, I have learned that little cheats add up to my clothes not fitting the way I want them to, and my tummy being upset.  Since the bfc I am more sensitive to highly processed carbs last week I had several pretzels at work, and boy howdy I paid for it big time.

Do you guys know when the fast track is available in the bookstores? I am considering doing the fast track to help get me down to 130, I don't know I just want to lose a little more fat in my tummy. I can really relate to Kay's post the other day, I wonder if I will ever feel satisfied or happy with the way I look. Hang in there friends we can do this :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hello friends, it's crazy that it has been ten years since 9-11. My heart is very sad for all the families who lost loved ones and everyone who has health problems due to exposure to all the nasty stuff in the wreckage. I am also very grateful to all the first responders all over the country who are willing to put themselves at risk to help others.

 First of all our college football team the University of Washington won their game against Hawaii on Saturday which is wonderful for me because hubby gets cranky when they lose, I'm sure many of you can relate to that :) We had my in-laws over for dinner last night and it was a big success I even served lemon coconut bread for dessert.  I love how having company over gets us to make our place sparkle, it is so nice in here.

I guess I don't have too much else to say, it's a hot one up here in my neck of the woods. We went to the park this afternoon but it was too hot so we came home and I took a nice nap. Yesterday I got some Adams peanut butter to make Dawn's pb cookies, I was going to make them yesterday for our company but there wasn't enough time after I made the lemon coconut bread. I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Sunday :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Beautiful Friday

The chocolate cake was a success, whew!!! Next time I think I might put a little more stevia into the cake and frosting and try using ghiradelli coco powder instead of hershey's. I thought the cake was a little bitter for my taste, but it was a good first go at baking belly friendly goodies. We were going to go out for dinner for my Mom's bday, but she wasn't feeling 100% so we stayed home and had some papa muphy's. Papa murhpy's is a take and bake pizza chain for any who don't have them in your neck of the woods. I had two slices of the deLite (thin crust) and ate the toppings off a regular piece, much better than last time I ate papa murhpy's. Regular crust makes my tummy hurt but apparently the thin is ok.

I was feeling really good yesterday, my tummy didn't hurt and I was regular again. On my afternoon brake I ate two slices of coconut bread with a little peanut butter. I was still feeling snacky so I ate several pretzels and dipped one pretzel in nutella, right away my tummy hurt even after what I thought was a small amount of pretzels and nutella. I felt really frustrated with myself that I did that to my poor tummy, but lesson learned my tummy doesn't tolerate some things very well even in small amounts.

Linda, when I went to Seattle I could not find any of the nature's hollow or other bfc products except clemmy's at Whole Foods. Maybe Trader Joe's would have some of the bfc products you are looking for. I found my nature's hollow in my local health food store on the east side of the state. I'm sorry not to be more helpful, I hope you have a wonderful time in Seattle when you go.

Kay, I don't know why I haven't been blogging so much I feel I am in a bit of a slump. I try to start writing and I often feel I don't have anything worthwhile to say. I will work on being better because I really value our little community and all the support and encouragement I receive. Thank you for checking up on me I really appreciate all my fellow bloggers and readers. I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. My plan for today is to bust out some chores so it looks nice when hubby gets home, he did that for me last Friday :) and then to get out and enjoy the beautiful day. Big hugs to all my friends :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Good afternoon friends, Monday I made my second batch of coconut bread and it was much better this time. I used the mini loaf pans and  cooked it for 32 mins instead of 40... yummy. I took two slices to work yesterday with a little natural peanut butter and raspberry natures hollow and it was a perfect morning snack. Monday hubby and I made the chocolate cake from Lauren's healthy indulgences blog for my Mom's bday today. I am really hoping that everyone likes it, I had a little nibble last night and today and it was good...fingers crossed everyone. :)

I have noticed that my mood is better now that my tummy is mostly better and I am regular again. I am hoping that the next time I weigh  myself the scale will be down. I am really loving the chia seeds and shelled hemp nuts pre-bfc I don't think I would have tried them. They are both a good source of fiber and omega-3's which are needed for overall health, especially heart health. One of the biggest reasons hubby and I want to be healthy is to avoid having heart attacks. His Mom and my Dad have both had heart attacks and we both have family histories of heart disease. I think it is important to think about heart health from an early age.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been around much I have had a hard time posting this last week. Everything in my life is good I've just been cranky and irritated, it must be hormones and the usual stress. I don't know what is up with my weight but I've been trying to get lots of fiber in. I've also started taking probiotics again and that seems to be helping. I went to pick up some more chia seeds and they were out :( probably because they were on sale, so I picked up some shelled hemp seeds. Which I have been adding to my salads.

Hulled Hemp Seed"Hemp seed may be one of nature's most perfect foods. With a pleasant nut-like flavor and creamy texture, our hulled hemp seed is a nutritious and delightful addition to cereals, salads and baked goods. Hulled hemp seed is high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids and an excellent source of protein- containing all of the essential amino acids. "

Today I am hoping to have a nice relaxing day reading, baking, maybe some shopping. Saturday I went to Boarders to see if there was anything I wanted since they are going out of business and I got Drink This Not That by David Zinczenko and the Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone. Both books have a lot of helpful things to say about sugar and at 60% off I felt they were worth buying.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor day, keep it belly good friends :)