Sunday, March 27, 2011

11th Week BFC Day 6

Goodmorning bfc friends!!! I am starting to see some results from doing the bfc...whoo hooo. First of all I weighed myself yesterday while we were at my folks and 138 lbs... which is the lowest it's been in a long time. Lately I've been 138.8, 139.4, 139. I started the bfc at 144-145, so a 6-7 lb weight loss is great. My go-to jeans are now baggy in my waist and thighs another whoo hoo!!! I guess those jeans will now have to go to the back of the closet for camping.

Today is my detox day, I am doing a one day detox from the book The Fast Track Detox Diet by Ann Louise Gittleman. I did pretty good during the prep week, except I cheated with a several cups of coffee, although I drank less than I usually do.

Yesterday hubby and I were at starbucks getting coffee with his bday gift card before we headed over to my folks. My favorite drink is a grande americano without cream or sugar...I used to take it with fat free milk and splenda I'm glad I don't like it that way anymore, it's very belly bad. Anyway starbucks now has a new line of desserts called petites...they are mini cupcakes, mini bars, mini whoopie pies,cake pops holy crap they are so cute. I wanted a cake pop sooo bad they look like they would be just the right amount of sweet cake and frosting. Well, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is...I looked them up 18g of sugar in those cute cake pops. No big surprise, I was just a little disappointed I was  hoping they wouldn't be too bad and I could have them once in a while.
Vanilla cake and icing, dipped in a pink chocolaty coating with white sprinkles.

Nutrition Facts Per Serving (43 g)
Calories 170
Calories from Fat 80
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 9g
Saturated Fat 5g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 10mg
Sodium 85mg
Total Carbohydrate 22g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Sugars 18g
Protein <1g

Breakfast: 1/2c oatmeal, with sliced almonds, strawberry barleans, tea

Lunch: 1 artichoke, salad with romaine, kalamata olives, sunflower seeds, asparagus, celery newman's olive oil and vin dressing

Snack: walnuts and americano

Dinner: chicken,  potatoes, asparagus, tiny dollop applesauce, tea

*13th day pilates


  1. Hay Katie, Thats so great about the loss. Yeah I don't go to starbucks anymore unless I am with Hubby and he is getting some. Just do what I do - once in a while, just 1 or 2 bites of your hubby's.
    Have a great day :-)

  2. Awesome!! I think its great when you see and feel the results! Great job!

  3. Awesome job Katie for the weight loss!! Yea I agree with Rosalie's one or two bite rule, its really helped me survive a lot when hubby is eating something yummy. :)
