Sunday, March 4, 2012

Goal poster

Hello everyone, I'm sure it's no big surprise but February was a little rough for me I fell off the wagon and I gained about 5 lbs :( I ate way too many chips, and I didn't watch my portions, drank a too much wine, yada, yada, yada. I think I allowed myself to emotionally eat and drink because I had been doing good and I thought I deserved it, and the more I did it I lost sight of what was once in awhile became too frequent. I am annoyed with myself 5 lbs means my jeans don't fit the way I want them to and that really irritates me. Don't worry I'm not having a pity party I thought about my bad choices and I came up with a plan to help me get back on track.

As you can see I made myself a goal poster for March, I bought several health/fitness magazines and cut out pictures and words to inspire and motivate me. I made a calender where I plan to write down my exercise and on the back I plan on tracking my food. I am excited and motivated!!! I am glad to be back on the wagon, and back to our blogging community :)

Concerning our house I don't have a lot of news, the house is in short sale so the bank can take as much time as they want before they review our offer and get back to us. This is a little frustrating but we are optimistic.



  1. Hi Katie! I think too of the most important components to success in dieting are being excited and motivated! They are hard to maintain the longer we are on the plan. Now that you have those back I think you will get rid of those five pounds quickly.
    I'm still so excited about the house you are trying to get. Short sales do take forever but they are such good deals for the buyers that the wait is definitely worth it! Still have my fingers crossed for you guys!

  2. I can't wait to hear that you have a new home! I'm sure the stress of waiting caused you to relax a little about the BFC. I would think if you get back on track the 5 lbs will come off in no time. Spring is coming!!!

  3. Hi Katie, I is so good to hear from you. I know you feel bad about the 5lbs but - just get right back up and keep going where you left off. They will be gone in no time. I have my fingers crossed for you both too about the house.
    Have a great day :-)

  4. love the goal poster! Are you hanging it somewhere where you see it everyday?

  5. Don't worry! Stick to the plan and those 5 lbs should fall off quick! I like the goal chart. Visual reminders and pictures are important and I totally believe they will help you keep on track! Good Luck with the house. We have 4 houses and the waiting and escrow are the most stressful periods! Try not to focus on the house and let things happen as they will (I know, easier said than done)!!!!!

  6. Oh sweetie...I gained 7lbs on my emotional eating frenzy...but I'm back on track and down 2.5...You'll get back too.
    Nice goal chart...
    And those quick sales are a lesson in patience :/
    Take care-

  7. YOu'll get those 5 lbs off in not time Katie. Love the poster. Great idea! Hugs from me to you!

  8. It's good to hear from you again! I was hoping you were actually moving into your new home...soon, I hope. Like everyone else has said, those pounds will come off quickly. When we gain weight quickly in a short amount of time from eating junk, it's usually water/bloat weight.
