Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fake it till you make it

Good morning everyone, this is my third time trying to write this post I've been cranky all week. I think it's because hubby is going to school in Sept and it's a big change for us. Especially since things are not working out the way we originally thought. Hubby will not be using the GI bill right away at community college because if he uses it now he won't have enough to graduate from a four year school. Anyway I'm sure things will be fine it's just a little stressful for us as we figure it all out. Money = stress

Yesterday I watched some of Rosalie, Amber and Jorge's youtube videos, I was feeling down before work and I needed a boost. I felt pretty inspired and if hubby and I can find our video camera I think I might make a video of my own. I have also been thinking about trying the Fast Track when it comes out in Sept, I am very interested in what he has to say. I remember when Helen was still a part of our community she loved it and was very glad that she had taken the class.

Well, I guess that's all for now I have to get ready for work. I hope everyone is having a great day, if you are cranky and a little stressed like me just fake having a good day until you make it...fake it till you make it LOL.


  1. I am sorry about the money problems - I know how that is since I don't work.
    About the fast track, I believe that is meant to do for a temporary thing. Helen does it forever. She has said she is not eating carbs again. Personally I think that you need a grain carb or 2 a day to keep from getting real hungry.
    The Fast track menu is on my blog under the tab that says Jorge's Menus if you want to try. :-)

  2. Sorry things are a little tough for you right now. I think most of us can understand the way you are feeling regarding money this day and age. I thought about trying the fast track to but feel it might be to restrictive for me to handle. I hope this week goes better for you.

  3. Sorry you are feeling down Katie. I agree that acting happier makes you feel better. In fact I read the book the Happiness Project and that was one of the tips...act like you want to feel. Sorry you have money worries right now. I'm sure things will work out. They always have a way of doing that. Often I look back, and think, why was I so worried. All turned out okay. Hope you are having a great day. Whatever happened to Helen anyway. I see she posts on the facebook page sometimes. Weird to have a blog and connections with everyone, and then drop off like that!

  4. You go girl! I find the videos inspiring too!

    I am not 'planning' on home schooling the whole way. Our plan is to make the decision on a child by child basis, year by year. So far it's working out for all of them to stay home. So far. We shall see.

  5. ((Hugs)) being sent to you Katie! Everything will work out...they always do. Chin up!!

  6. I used whatever kind I can find at Costco usually. :) Today it's Emerald valley Organic. Pretty yummy! The rest of my day is so low in sugar that I don't mind a little sugar in my salsa. 2T has a gram of sugar. Not too bad, I suppose.

  7. My husband and I went through quite a few times of tight budgeting over the years. It can be quite stressful! I'm not sure about that fast track either because one of the things I like about the BFC is having those whole grain carbs with some of my meals. I think they are good for you plus keep you fuller. Even though the new program probably won't be for me, I agree with you that it will be interesting to see what he says about it.
