Sunday, August 21, 2011

Papa Murphys makes my tummy hurt :(

Good morning everyone, thanks for the nice comments yesterday you guys have been key to helping me stay with the bfc and have helped me to learn to be kinder to myself. I have been finding more bfc products lately which excites me, I really believe that a lower sugar diet is better for everyone. Yesterday hubby and I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some things for my sis-in law on our way over to hang out, they are re-modelling the store so we had to go all over to find what we were looking for. We were walking down the condiment aisle and I saw natures hollow jam and I got excited to see it in the regular grocery store next to all the other jams, and then I saw the natures hollow honey and I got even more excited. I have been looking for the honey to make hubby some granola. The recipe I have calls for 1/4 c honey and 1/4c butter to the oats, and I have wanted to try it with the natures hollow honey.

Yesterday we picked up some Papa Murphy's for dinner with sis in law, we got a vegetarian and a deLite. I had one slice of the veg, picked the toppings off the second, and had a small slice of the deLite. Not long after that my tummy hurt, and was bloated :( I thought I could have a little and be ok but apparently not. The pizza also made hubby's tummy hurt. I guess I can add that to the list of things I don't plan to eat again even in small amounts. Hubby's family fries their corn tortillas for tacos (hubby and I never have) but a couple of weeks ago my mother in law made them as a special treat, we hadn't had them in two years, that made both our tummies hurt. It is amazing that when you make some changes like eating lower sugar and better carbs that when I eat bad carbs I feel that my body is rejecting them.

I love the bfc, I feel great and I think this is a realistic lifestyle. Hubby and I went to the lake for the day and took ezekiel bread sandwiches with chicken, cheddar, basil and a slice of heirloom tomato...delish, we also shared a peach. I felt great in my bathing suit and didn't even wear my little board shorts as a cover up. I have not felt this good about myself in YEARS!!!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful belly friendly weekend :)


  1. Wow Katie you look awesome. I have not been blogging in awhile since my surgery but thougt I would check in on everyone and I can see that you have really lost some inches and you should feel great!

  2. That's weird how just the one piece did that. I have not had pizza out since I started the BFC, well except once with a group and I just picked the toppings off. It's funny how our tummy's change when we get healthy.
    Have a great day :-)

  3. Good for you for donning that bikini & struttin your stuff girl!! You have such a cute little shape & you should show it off! What a victory!
    I am so jealous that you have Natures Hollow! I cant find it anywhere up here.... :( Guess Im gonna have to order it online.
    Havea great week!

  4. Hooray for the NH jam! I am so glad that we have it here in my local grocery store. Too bad about the pizza - I think the same thing happened to me the last time i had Papa Murphy's also - too many carbs! I bet you we could have one slice of the delite, but who wants to do that? :) i'd much rather eat my cauliflower crust now. Have a great night!

  5. I don't even know what Papa Murphy's is. I'm guessing it's a Pizza chain but we don't have that one around here. Your sandwiches sound so good!! I love fresh basil! I also love going to the lake. I'm so glad you had a nice weekend.

  6. That is awesome that you felt confident in your bathing suit!! You go girl!

    Yea pizza and stuff like that always makes my belly hurt, healthy or not. But yet I still eat it and crave it :(
