Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chia seeds

Hi friends thanks for the great comments yesterday, and thank you Beth for saying you enjoy my blog that made me feel really nice. I think some of the specialty bfc products are really helpful especially since we are learning to cut down on sugar for a  healthy lifestyle and not just a quick fix. I've noticed that these products also help my hubby stay with the bfc....I don't know what he eats at work but I suspect it's not always bfc friendly since his belly (which is not very big, but could use some work) isn't going down....but I love the man and I try to encourage him to exercise and do the bfc without being a nag.

I tried the chia yesterday but what I got is ground chia seed...I think it  must also come whole like a whole flax seed. The stuff I bought is Gai herbs chia fresh daily fiber from ground chia seeds....I didn't know where to start so I bought the product on sale. I mixed it with almond milk and a packet of truvia and ate it for breakfast yesterday and today. It tastes kinda funny but it's ok, next time I think I will try to get the seeds and not the ground fiber.

Yesterday Dawn talked about doing another 30 day challenge and invited us to do it too. I am on board, I think it will be a good opportunity to refine my goals and make a better plan on how to reach them. I wrote down the questions so I can think about them today at work. Well, I better go get ready for work I hope everyone has a wonderful hump day :)


  1. I have never tried the ground chia seeds, the one I get look kind of like tiny poppy seeds. When you soak them in the milk they expand and open up. Then it makes your liquid thick. I have never really thought about the taste - I just use them for the fiber.
    Have a great day :-)

  2. I agree that chia tastes a little funny, but if you doctor it up with flavorings then it's fine. The health benefits are just too much! ;) I have ground up my chia before to see if I could make my drink a little more smoothie like, but I didn't blend the drink so it ended up chunky. I bet if you blend up the chia fiber with your milk and truvia and a little ice (and maybe some vanilla or something) it could be like a shake!

    I am glad you are going to join me on the 30 day challenge! Post your goals here on your blog and I'll follow along and encourage you!
