Friday, May 6, 2011

17th Week BFC Day 5

Hello everyone TGIF!!! Whoo Hoo!!! I did not do any exercise this morning, I woke up with cramps :( so I took some drugs laid on my heating pad and watched Grey's Anatomy on hulu before work. Tomorrow my folks and some neighbors are having a garage sale and we have some items to contribute. So we are staying the night at my folks, it's kinda nice to come and stay this is the house I grew up in so I feel very comfortable. I don't care what my Mom does to my old room, it's still mine lol. Right now it's the guest bedroom/sewing room but she wants it to be her sewing room and make the other spare bedroom the guest room.

Not much else to say, my folks want me to come hang out in the family room.

Breakfast: 1/4c oatmeal with walnuts and blackberry barleans, black coffee

Lunch: burrito with smart and delicious tortilla leftover pork roast cilantro, pepper jack cheese, tomato super yummy, celery with peanut butter cucumber

Snack: flax mufiing thing with almond butter and black coffee lots of water with lemon during the day

Dinner: asian type stew thing at my folks over wild rice


  1. Hope the weather is nice for you to have a wonderful garage sale. Both my parents are gone and I would love to be able to go and stay at our old house for a night so I can feel like a kid again and have that comfort of home.

  2. Hi I hope you had fun at the garage sale and your tummy feels better.
    Have a great mothers day :-)
